Since its launch, a mini program in Wechat, dubbed as "GPIPCs Tan Puhui Carbon System", has received considerable attention, seeing peoples active participation. Under the guidance of Tianjin Ecology and Environment Bureau and supported by the Ecology and Environment Department and the Labor Union of Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA), the WeChat mini-program was developed by Green Partnership of Industrial Parks in China (GPIPC). It marks a new significant exploration and practice, guiding citizens to pursue a green lifestyle.


This program is aimed at actively advocating for a green and low-carbon lifestyle, contributing to building a  measurable, recordable, and acceptable Tan Puhui system that everyone can participate in and benefit from. Based on users' personal habits of consumption, diet and travel, it can measure users' personal carbon emission and form a report, thus developing a quantifiable, recordable and verifiable Green Reportof various green and low-carbon behaviors in daily life, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation and volunteer services.


In addition, the green points obtained from users' green and low-carbon behaviors can be exchanged for rewards in a timely manner in the GPIPC's applet, making the benefits of green living visible and tangible. Through the platform's preferentially incentive mechanism, enterprises are fully mobilized to participate in the cooperation of Tan Puhui, and the public is extremely encouraged to consciously practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, consequently helping enterprises and the society achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.


Tan Puhuiis an innovative mechanism for voluntary emission reduction. Skillfully utilizing the method of "Internet + Big Data + Carbon Finance",it specifically quantifies energy saving and carbon reduction behaviors of small and micro-enterprises, community families and individuals and give them a certain value through building a set of carbon emission reduction mechanisms for citizens. By doing so, a positive guidance mechanism could be established that combines commercial incentives and policy supports with trading of certified emission reductions (CERs), proactively mobilizing multiple forces of the society to join in the national emission reduction campaign. Tan Puhui carbon system, marking an important innovation of China's ecological civilization system reform, can not only provide market-based tools and means for realizing the value of ecological products and persuading people to pursue a green lifestyle, but also significantly stimulates the passion of all market main bodies to reduce carbon emission. The system presents an important trend that the low-carbon life benefits people themselves.


As a public service platform to promote the sustainable development of China's industrial parks, GPIPC, making industrial parks dominated by the real economy as an entry point, hopes to gradually guide enterprises, individuals and the public to reduce carbon emissions. According to UN Environment Programme's Emissions Gap Report 2020, current greenhouse gas emissions from household consumption roughly account for two-thirds of total global emissions so that it has become an inevitable choice for mitigating climate change to step up the transformation of public lifestyles.Promoting individual carbon emission reduction on a household basis can help companies achieve carbon neutrality in Scope 3, enhancing employees' understanding of the company's carbon neutral target. Enterprises, as an important part of industrial parks, are contributors to economic growth. On the one hand, the Tan Puhui carbon system can provide publicity channels for green and low-carbon product manufacturers and Internet-based green and low-carbon platforms to help enterprises fulfill their environmental social responsibilities; on the other hand, it can provide innovative practical tools for the parks to promote the realization of carbon neutrality, build a regional closed-loop system and a cooperative network for Tan Puhui, and promote the idea of green and low-carbon consumption, making a useful attempt for the integrated and coordinated development of the parks with regard to economic, environmental and social benefits under carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.


The CPIPCs mini-program in Wechat accesses low carbon scenarios centered on green office, travel, diet and other themes. The small program, providing visual data analysis tools, such as departmental and personal rankings, carbon reduction trends and scenario distribution, can quantify the employees' low carbon behaviors quickly, calculate and check the carbon emission reduction data, and grasp the status quo of emission reduction through functions, such as daily carbon footprint baseline measurement, daily attendance of carbon reduction behavior, carbon reduction ranking, personal carbon emission report, and carbon points exchange for gifts. Whats more, it can flexibly configure diversified low carbon scenarios in the management backend, and support the internal office management system of the enterprise to offer automated data collection. On World Earth Day 2022, GPIPC has helped Nestle Greater China Region to launch the "Nestle Green Action" mini-program. Currently, GPIPC is partnering with a number of enterprises to promote carbon foot-printing measurement and personal carbon emission reduction actions at the employee level.

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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
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  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

